Bla Blogs

Citadel - Cairo

Citadel - Cairo

Monday, August 29, 2011

D'oh! Where did Day 8 to 29 go?

Dear Readers (quality not quantity...),

Apologies for the missing days 8 to 29. Most of the days are in draft format waiting to be finished, edited and published. Most of my time on the other hand is spent chasing my own tail, locating the family and other commitments. Other commitments? Yes, like moving my folks, babysitting my rabbid niece, trying to negotiate a house sale, moving out my closest comrade, bidding farewell to good friends, trying to get my head around adjuvant reagents, attending to my voluntary work, sorting out health issues, fulfilling the annual charity quota, catching rogue rats, getting more anti-Africa vaccinations, remembering to change my bed sheets and actually being present and competent at my day job.Oh and fasting too. Somehow inbetween I just was not able to get round to this blog. This leaves me with a nagging bitter after taste in my mouth that I did not manage to succesfully complete Ramadan this year. And so come tomorrow when Ramadan ends, for me it shall start again... from Day 8..

Sincere apologies for the shortcoming. And any mortgage advice is welcome. Or clean sheets.

Best and blessings (of the utmost non-denominational kind),


1 comment:

LYTLE said...

Don't change....savor.